How To Maximize This Lockdown With Your Family

Maximize This Lockdown

With the serious global pandemic of Coronavirus also referred to as COVID-19, the world has come to a standstill.

Every business has come to a close, schools, and any other public gatherings you can think of.

So, what is next? You would have had the thoughts that, how to maximize this lockdown with your family.

Well, we are here for you to ensure that you utilize this free time, and not to make it worthless without achieving anything tangible.

During this lockdown, the importance of the idiom that states, “Prevention is better than cure” cannot be overemphasized.

You will want to protect yourself and your family from the deadly virus at this critical time.

Now, as an individual, you will need to maximize this lockdown with your family.

pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown
pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown

You will need to be sensitive, conscious and take precautionary measures to guard against the life-threatening virus with the use of masks, constant washing of hands with soap and water, and other preventive measures. See the WHO site for more information about the virus.

Thus, you need to engage yourself and family and improve your well-being as well.

Make this period at home productive instead of it being prosaic, mundane and frustrating at the same time.

Table Of Contents

How To Maximize This Lockdown With Your Family

Constantly exercise

This is the right time for you to involve yourself in exercise in order to stay fit. Exercise is no doubt good for the body for you to stay healthy and fit.

You can simply start using a new form of exercise or the old one to keep fit.

It can be that you decide on early morning jogging, power-ups, body exercise and other gyms like activities you can engage yourself and family with. Thus, you are working towards improving your immunity.

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Be on the look for healthy food items to eat

You and your family need to look for healthy food diet in order to stay fit during this lockdown.

You may have a list of food items that you can go for as the whole family will need to be healthy.

There are nutritional levels of food items that you can eat daily during this lockdown with your family.

You will just need to include or exclude the necessary food items as you wish.

Endeavor to meditate and encourage others

This is the time for you to experience the mental, physical and inner peace of mind. Meditation is awesome for the body and mental well-being.

Encourage your family members as well to meditate and you will get to see the value.

Meditation will aid in reducing stress, fillip your energy, enhance immunity system, and assist in many ways of life.

When you meditate, try as much as possible to put on good and sonorous music as it helps the mind while meditating.

Improve your mood with the aid of dance

You wonder how this can help you and family during this lockdown. Practice dance even if you are not a fan of dance. Learn a new set of skills by dancing to keep fit.

Dancing improves your mood, health and fitness which all amount to your confidence level.

Those who dance more often do find it easy to get along with people because they can control their moods. Encourage your family as well.

Revisit old memories through pictures and videos

If you have old pictures and videos that you have stored in the house – even if it is an album, take them to the room, let your wife or husband and the children get to have a good look at the old photographs and videos.

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You might not be opportune to look at it again with your family in your daily life. You can recall good old memories by looking at old pictures or videos.

Play games with your family

Well, you can simply decide to allocate a particular time each day to play games with your family members. This creates family bonding and good memories together.

You can play games such as charades, hide and seek, board games, video games such as Play Station or Xbox games among others.

Watch movies together with your family

You can choose to watch fascinating movies with your family. Pick up both new and old movies from Hollywood and Bollywood and enjoy the moment.

Grab some popcorn, drinks and hot dogs, and involve your family in the fun activity. The memories will be there forever.

Create music with your family

You can maximize this lockdown with your family by singing and create music. You never can tell if you are good at singing most especially for females.

Your kid might have the skill in singing and you can encourage him or her to sing. From there, you can create music.

Just set up musical equipment at one place in the house and commence your musical experiments.

Cook together with your family

If you love cooking, this is the apt time for you to bond with your family. Don’t let the time waste without you having to relate with your family by cooking together.

You can love eating different types of recipes daily and decide your everyday menu and involve your family in cooking it together.

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With this, you would get time to increase your bond as well as satisfy your desire for variety in food.

Endeavour to clean the room, kitchen and the books

Choose a particular day that you and your family members can do the cleaning of the house most especially the rooms.

It might be that for the past few months you haven’t done proper cleaning in the house.

Clean the living room, the kids’ rooms, your room, the kitchen and other areas as well.

The books that have been stocked in the library and have gathered dust clean them. Now is the time to do so.

Remember that, “Cleanliness is nearness to Godliness.”

Read books together

This is the time to keep yourself busy with your family through reading. You will get to discover many things and your reading dexterity when you read together.

You will be introduced to a completely new experience and a world of discoveries with your family. The kids will feel the bond and enjoy every moment.


As it is a well-known fact that boredom isn’t good for the body, it is absolutely germane for you and your family to maximize this lockdown with your family. Enjoy this period by practising the above-listed activities.

Before you could say, Jack Robinson, you and your family would have improved in a whole lot of things.

You can as well share your knowledge and experience with your family, indulge in gardening, if you have pets, pamper your pets, think about the future, reconnect with old friends and colleagues, explore the artistic side of life, write a letter to your future self among other things to have yourself engage.

Go ahead and maximize this lockdown with your family.